the why of this website: At almost 67 years of age, the question of who I am has increasingly preoccupied me. So much of self identifies with profession. I have been working full-time since I was seventeen. What happens when I retire? Who will I be?
the what of this website: In order to discover the who, I want to delve into the personality traits and quirks of my various activities. Who it is that I become while engaged in my work and passions. Which immediately raises the question, “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”. Were these traits already in place, and I was drawn toward professions that emphasized them? Or, were these learned with time and repetition? Are these qualities now a digested and permanent part of my nature or something only taken out of the cupboard to wear when needed. And lastly, how do I feel about the me of now that has been shaped by the years even decades of the who’s of me. I don’t know. Or perhaps I should say, I don’t know yet. Join me on this rambling journey, as I muse about the how, what, whys of my thinking. Interesting? Maybe…….let me know.