the eternal student
“Why?” “Where?” “When?” My default state as a child was curious. Ranging from the scale of very, right up to unbearably/annoyingly curious. I know all children ask questions, but I was a master at it. That is, until the day my mother turned the tables on me and asked, “Why do YOU think it is?” This technique did manage to slow me down a little, knowing my questions could have the consequences of also needing to think and answer. I wonder, is this the origin of my overactive fantasy? Thanks Mom! Seriously, though, I wanted to know what was inside things, around the next corner, over the next hill. I wanted to know how things functioned and why the world was the way it was. Weekly library visits were my paradise. The only thing that detracted from my love of school was the time it took away from dancing. But it was not only the learning about things that fascinated me, it was also the learning to do things. How proud I was when I learned to roller-skate, ride a bicycle, stand on pointe, drive a car, use a sextant. When the theoretical became practical. It is difficult to imagine that people can ever become bored when there is so much to learn and discover. I have decided to use this “who” to share some of my favorite books and podcasts.